Monday, October 7, 2019

Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Information Technology - Essay Example They target a limited range in which they work and catch the signals. But mobile phone has a technology to support the user to attend and make calls through any network throughout the world. The mobile phone doesn’t only support calls but also other features which are part of their serves. There are many build in services in cell phones for customers and there are many other services provide by cellular networks. Some of them are SMS, emails, GPRS, instant messaging, infrared, Bluetooth, gaming and MMS. Now mobile phones also feature entertainment accessories like MP3 player, video player, radio and camera. Those mobile phones which have modern advanced technology with different features are also known as smartphones The first mobile phone was made by Dr. Martin Cooper from the company Motorola in 1973. That handset weighted almost 2 kg. The company Motorola released the first mobile phone commercially in 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x. In year 1990 almost 12.4 million people all around the world started using cell phones. And by 2009, the number of cell phone customers reached to 4.6 billion. Before the invention of mobile phones other wireless phones were in use of military or intelligence organizations; such as radio phones and codeless phones. These phone were wireless but had a limited access and usage. They didn’t have wide range and were not very handy. They were heavy in weigh and were quite costly as well. Mobile phones are now becoming customized with new features. These features are making the mobile phones more useable. With each new technology mobile phone are becoming portable and useful. Now with the developing technology the mobile phone has become the necessity of person’s life. And they are also fulfilling the necessities of a person very well. Now we have our entire contact list in our hand to which we can contact anywhere. It also gives us entertainment in our

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